(Musical) Ethics Lab 6 at MaerzMusik

Akademie der Künste Berlin

(Musical) Ethics Lab 6 with the Splitter Orchester and Trondheim Jazz Orchestra — together at last — will take place in Berlin as part of a wonderful program at this year’s MaerzMusik Festival.

The event will involve a concert at 20:30 on Friday 22 March in the Akademie der Künste, to be followed by a post-concert chat with members of the ensembles and research team.

Then, on Saturday 23 March, there will be a public symposium from 16:00-17:30 in the Library of the Berliner Festspiele, on the theme “Improvisation as Praxis: Music as a form-of-life”, featuring musicologist Nanette Nielsen, cognitive scientist John Sutton, and philosopher Michael Wheeler in discussion with Josh and Christopher from the research team.